Kelly Oneal Gray

700 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

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Timeline view displays report highlights in chronological order from birth to Kelly's most recent data.

Personal Information

This section contains known aliases, birth information, and potential imposters gleaned from public records.

First Name


Middle Name


Last Name


Birth Information


Birth Date

Aug 29, 1977

Images that could belong to Kelly
  • ×

Company (Industry)

Job Title


Thrive Center For Birth (Health, Wellness And Fitness)

Center Coordinator

Oct 2, 2015 - Jul 9, 2017


Carmel Blue

Manager of Education

Jan 1, 2014 - Jul 9, 2017


Carmel Blue Pregnancy Center

Child Birth Educator

Oct 9, 2012 - Jul 9, 2017


Bay Area Doula Project

Volunteer Coordinator

Jan 1, 2014 - Jul 9, 2017


Nine Moons Doula and Massage Therapy

Birth Doula, Massage Therapist

Jan 1, 2014 - Jul 9, 2017


Campaign For Paid Sick Days

Campaign Treasurer

Jan 1, 2014 - Jul 9, 2017



Area Director/Union Organizer

Jan 1, 2014 - Jul 9, 2017


Gray's Body Work


Jan 1, 2014 - Jul 9, 2017



Jul 4, 2014 - Jun 27, 2019


Nine Moons Doula Services



Possible Associates
People that Kelly Oneal Gray may have shared a residential or business address with.

Possible Associate #1

Michael Vernon Gause

41 years old (approximate)

View Background Report

Possible Associate #2

Sharon F Gause

67 years old (approximate)

View Background Report
Magnifying Search

We're sorry, available public records do not currently contain Possible Relationships for Kelly Oneal Gray.
We will add this data as soon as it becomes available.

Social Security Number

Issued Years


Issued Location

Possible Marriage Records

Report Subject


Married In

Married On

Kelly Gray

Rosilee Alvarez

Las Vegas, NV

Oct 31, 1999

Kelly Gray

Monica Desouza

Las Vegas, NV

Mar 26, 1998

Kelly Gray

Rosilee Alvarez

Las Vegas, NV

Oct 31, 1999

Kelly Gray

Monica Desouza

Las Vegas, NV

Mar 26, 1998

Kelly A Gray

Cletus C Snay

Huron, OH

Dec 24, 1990

Kelly Amber Gray

Andrew Evan Jones

Duval, FL

Aug 28, 1999

Kelly A Gray

Travis E Weber

Montrose, CO

Nov 4, 2000

Kelly A Gray

Russell A Todd

Arapahoe, CO

Nov 4, 1989

Kelly Gray

Rosilee Alvarez

Las Vegas, NV

Oct 31, 1999

Kelly Gray

Monica Desouza

Las Vegas, NV

Mar 26, 1998

Kelly Gray

Monica Desouza

Las Vegas, NV

Mar 26, 1998

Kelly A Gray

Steven R Wildfeuer

Allen, IN

Mar 18, 1995

Kelly J Gray

Christine C Schmidt

Montrose, CO

Aug 2, 1997

Kelly D Gray

David R Kruezer

Franklin, OH

Dec 22, 1984

Kelly E Gray

Michael E Despain

Montgomery, OH

Oct 15, 1988

Kelly D Gray

Andrew T Grabil

San Luis Obispo, CA

Feb 8, 1976

Kelly D Gray

Edward A Page

San Luis Obispo, CA

Feb 18, 1978

Kelly J Gray

Thomas A Weeden

Los Angeles, CA

Jun 9, 1984

Kelly J Gray

Tammera E Jones

Franklin, OH

Oct 5, 1985

Kelly Jane Gray

Joey Anthony Prendes

Hillsborough, FL

Mar 8, 1981

Possible Divorce Records

Report Subject


Married In

Married On

Kelly Gray

Lloyd Gray


Dec 10, 2003

Kelly Gray

Meloy R Gray

Brevard, FL

May 18, 2001

Kelly Gray

Jeannette T Gray

Dallas, TX

Jan 29, 2002

Kelly Gray

Alexander Rogger

Routt, CO

Feb 5, 1996

Kelly Gray

Irene D Gray

El Paso, CO

Nov 19, 1986

Kelly Gray

Donald K Gray

Portage, OH

Jul 25, 1985

Kelly Gray

Danny Gray

Tarrant, TX

Jan 19, 1979

Kelly Gray

Eugene C Gray

Duval, FL

Feb 19, 1987

Kelly Gray

David Michael Gray

Pasco, FL

Jul 31, 2001

Kelly L Gray

Chris D Gray

Jefferson, CO

May 30, 1985

Kelly A Gray

Jason L Gray

Sherburne, MN

Nov 14, 2000

Kelly R Gray

William G Gray

Miami, OH

Sep 22, 1986

Kelly S Gray

Joel E Gray

Columbiana, OH

Feb 6, 1987

Kelly A Gray

Robert E Gray

Sandusky, OH

Nov 18, 1988

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Contact Information

This section contains phone numbers, previous phone number and email addresses associated with Kelly Oneal Gray

Possible Phone Numbers

Phone Number

(415) 756-5070View Phone Details

Line Type


Carrier Location

San Francisco:Central Da, CA 94108






Phone Number

(415) 902-8688View Phone Details

Line Type


Carrier Location

San Francisco:Central Da, CA 94108






Phone Number

(415) 902-8677View Phone Details

Line Type


Carrier Location

San Francisco:Central Da, CA 94108






Phone Number

(415) 663-9449View Phone Details

Line Type


Carrier Location

Point Reyes, CA 94956





Possible Emails

Email Address

Valid Since

Comments0 Comments
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Any comment below was authored and submitted by a TruthFinder user. TruthFinder did not author or develop this comment, does not express a view as to whether the comment is accurate or truthful, and does not warrant or represent that the comment is accurate or truthful. If you believe a comment is not accurate, not truthful, or otherwise violates the User Comments Terms of Use, please contact TruthFinder at HELP@TRUTHFINDER.COM so the comment may be evaluated for possible removal.

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Location History

This section includes all of the locations related to this person. Locations listed may include current residence, past residences, and places of work.

Did you know? You can monitor locations for nearby sex offenders.

Sex Offenders can pose a dangerous threat to your loved ones. Activate Sex Offender Watch with just a flip of a switch to monitor an address for nearby sex offenders. Access all new sex offender alerts in one convenient place by clicking on the “Sex Offender Watch” tab in the navigation bar.

Aug 1, 2008 - Mar 2, 2020

700 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA 94121-3302



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Nov 10, 2014 - Feb 29, 2020

435, Po Box, Occidental, CA 95465-0435



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
May 1, 2009 - Oct 2, 2015

341 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5930



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Aug 1, 2008 - Sep 30, 2013

Outside Land Bl

1331 46th Ave B, San Francisco, CA 94122-1171


4 Apartments



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Dec 1, 1997 - Dec 31, 2007

56, Po Box, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956-0056



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Jul 14, 1997 - Jan 23, 2003

5490 Riverbanks Rd, Grants Pass, OR 97527-9675



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report

Lands Forbes

98 W Crescent Dr, San Rafael, CA 94901-1660



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report

78 W Crescent Dr, San Rafael, CA 94901-1648



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report

507 Haight St, San Francisco, CA 94117-3400



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Possible Neighbors

Neighbors for 700 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Jamie LandView Report

Neighbor Address

696 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Phone Number

(415) 379-3788
Emily LandView Report


48 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1971 - Apr 7, 1972

Neighbor Address

696 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Phone Number

(415) 379-3788
Ting Ping LouieView Report

Neighbor Address

706 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Phone Number

(415) 668-5066

Neighbors for 341 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Naomi HuihuiView Report


64 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1955 - Apr 7, 1956

Neighbor Address

337 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Phone Number

(415) 821-2579
L TiradoView Report

Neighbor Address

335 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Phone Number

(415) 695-0826
Felisa TiradoView Report

Neighbor Address

335 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Phone Number

(415) 695-0826

Neighbors for 1331 46th Ave B, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Dillon RawlingsView Report


27 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1992 - Apr 7, 1993

Neighbor Address

1331 46th Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Phone Number

(415) 702-6230
Rui X WongView Report

Neighbor Address

1332 46th Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Phone Number

(415) 681-4209
Raymond WongView Report


65 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1954 - Apr 7, 1955

Neighbor Address

1332 46th Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Phone Number

(415) 681-4209

Neighbors for 5490 Riverbanks Rd, Grants Pass, OR, 97527

Stephen KeenView Report


57 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1962 - Apr 7, 1963

Neighbor Address

5483 Riverbanks Rd, Grants Pass, OR, 97527

Phone Number

(541) 479-0934
Augusta KeenView Report


34 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1985 - Apr 7, 1986

Neighbor Address

5483 Riverbanks Rd, Grants Pass, OR, 97527

Phone Number

(541) 479-0934
Victor J RaibleView Report


86 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1933 - Apr 7, 1934

Neighbor Address

5465 Riverbanks Rd, Grants Pass, OR, 97527

Phone Number

(541) 471-6140

Neighbors for 98 W Crescent Dr, San Rafael, CA, 94901

Ronald E ColettiView Report


84 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1935 - Apr 7, 1936

Neighbor Address

100 W Crescent Dr, San Rafael, CA, 94901

Phone Number

(415) 456-4897
Barbara C ColettiView Report


83 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1936 - Apr 7, 1937

Neighbor Address

100 W Crescent Dr, San Rafael, CA, 94901

Phone Number

(415) 456-4897
Frank L RamezzanoView Report


74 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1945 - Apr 7, 1946

Neighbor Address

88 W Crescent Dr, San Rafael, CA, 94901

Phone Number

(415) 454-8586
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Criminal Records

DISCLAIMER: The criminal record information contained in our reports may not be 100% accurate or complete. This is because the information is pulled from records maintained by government agencies and the information contained in those records may not be 100% accurate or complete. Please use this information as a starting point for your own due diligence and investigation.

Likely Criminal Record Matches
  • Match Rating Based On:
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Date Of Birth
  • Address
  • Age

Kelly Oneal Gray

Offense Date

Aug 29, 2006


Administrative Office Of Courts (OR)


illegal u-turn | making an illegal u-turn

  • Match Rating Based On:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date Of Birth
  • Age

Kelly O'Neal Gray

Offense Date

Jun 18, 1997


Administrative Office Of Courts (OR)


minor possess/purchase alcohol | minor possess/purchase liquor

Less Likely Criminal Record Matches

We uncovered 4 less likely criminal records, that match Kelly Oneal Gray's First and Last name, but may not match Middle name and Date of birth.

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • DOB
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Sex Offender Information

This section displays the names, locations, and offenses of individuals charged with sex crimes living in close proximity to the locations associated with the subject of this report. Individuals listed below may have been charged with sex crimes as indicated. We make no representation as to the current status of these individuals. Some individuals listed below may no longer be required to register or report to state sex offender registries.

Did you know? You can monitor locations for nearby sex offenders.

Sex Offenders can pose a dangerous threat to your loved ones. Activate Sex Offender Watch with just a flip of a switch to monitor an address for nearby sex offenders. Access all new sex offender alerts in one convenient place by clicking on the “Sex Offender Watch” tab in the navigation bar.

Select an address from Kelly's location history

69 Available Sex Offender Records Nearby

700 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Please Note: Due to the location information currently available to us we are unable to pinpoint the exact location of some sex offenders in this area on the map above. However, all other pertinent information is provided in the list below.

First and Last Name

George R Buzzell

View Background Report

Location Details

7 Almaden Ct, San Francisco, CA, 94118



First and Last Name

Elias Carranza Lee

View Background Report

Location Details

57 Blake St, San Francisco, CA, 94118



First and Last Name

Jimmy Ray Duhme

View Background Report

Location Details

375 Laguna Honda Blvd N3, San Francisco, CA, 94116



First and Last Name

Tucker Rae Braga

View Background Report

Location Details

1939 Hayes St 9, San Francisco, CA, 94117


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Business profiles

This section includes business related information that we have found on this person such as business affiliations or employment history.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover businesses information for Kelly Oneal Gray.

13% of Americans Own Their Own Business.

We refresh our databases every 24 hours. If businesses data for Kelly Oneal Gray becomes available, we can add their data ASAP.

'0' Results Found

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Any comment below was authored and submitted by a TruthFinder user. TruthFinder did not author or develop this comment, does not express a view as to whether the comment is accurate or truthful, and does not warrant or represent that the comment is accurate or truthful. If you believe a comment is not accurate, not truthful, or otherwise violates the User Comments Terms of Use, please contact TruthFinder at HELP@TRUTHFINDER.COM so the comment may be evaluated for possible removal.

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This section contains possible licenses that we have found for Kelly Gray. Possible data may include FAA pilot licenses and DEA licenses for prescribing controlled pharmaceuticals.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover licenses information for Kelly Oneal Gray.

There are 618,660 FAA certified pilots in the U.S.
That's less than 0.2% of the population.

So, if FAA license information doesn't show up here, Kelly Oneal Gray may not have one.

We refresh our databases every 24 hours. If licenses data for Kelly Oneal Gray becomes available, we can add their data ASAP.

'0' Results Found

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Any comment below was authored and submitted by a TruthFinder user. TruthFinder did not author or develop this comment, does not express a view as to whether the comment is accurate or truthful, and does not warrant or represent that the comment is accurate or truthful. If you believe a comment is not accurate, not truthful, or otherwise violates the User Comments Terms of Use, please contact TruthFinder at HELP@TRUTHFINDER.COM so the comment may be evaluated for possible removal.

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This section includes financial information that we have found on this person such as bankruptcies, liens, judgments, foreclosures or evictions.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover finances information for Kelly Oneal Gray.

We refresh our databases every 24 hours. If finances data for Kelly Oneal Gray becomes available, we can add their data ASAP.

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This section includes assets information that we have found on this person. Possible data may include properties owned, watercrafts owned and vehicles owned or driven.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover assets information for Kelly Oneal Gray.

We refresh our databases every 24 hours. If assets data for Kelly Oneal Gray becomes available, we can add their data ASAP.

'0' Results Found

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